About St. Johns
August 15, 2016 – 3 Minute Read
Located in northeast Austin at the intersections to Hwy. 290 and 183 and I-35, and a quick 10 minute drive to downtown Austin, the St. Johns neighborhood is one of the most affordable areas of the city. St. Johns is an older, ethnic community that resembles what Austin’s East side of years past, as they began experiencing an elevated neighborhood spirit and eventually became our once hidden jewel. Working diligently to maintain, beautify, and unite residents, the St. Johns neighborhood association regularly hosts community events. Recognized and awarded by the “Keep Austin Beautiful” campaign, St. Johns promises to be “the little neighborhood that could.” Comprised mostly of small working class families, it’s an area that is striving to follow in the footsteps of Austin’s East side.

This is a tricky one. Very tricky. Why, you ask? Because Krab Kingz Seafood Truck does not “live” in St. Johns, per se. But he likes to come and visit from his home in Killeen all the time, and if you want a real underground kind of trailer food experience you heard it here first. If I were the betting kind, I would wager that Krab Kingz will eventually become a brick and mortar business here in Austin. The reason is: look at the picture.

What you need to know in order to visit Karab Kingz when they come to Blackson Ave. in St. Johns: Diligently monitor Krab Kingz’s Facebook page to plan your day around this outing. The wait isn’t quite as long as Franklin’s Famous BBQ, but you know where I’m going with this. Bring an umbrella to shield the sun if you want, and water to drink in line. Is it worth it? Look at the picture.